Billing and support area update.

We have updated our billing and support area. Everything should be working as intended for you. However if you face any issues with login, ticket opening, ordering or payments, please drop us a line at

Thank you!
YH Administration


7th Sent 2021
SegWit and Lightning support - enabled

Our Bitcoin gateway now supports Segwit (by default) and Lightning transactions. We encourage our customers to use this type of payments to save on trasactions fees on the Bitcoin network.

Please, contact us in case you face any problems paying through these channels.

4th Fev 2021
New special dedicated server deals added

We are gald to announce that we have added special dedicated server deal. The stock may run out fast, so do not wait too long :)
Check it out here:

16th Mar 2020
Bitcoin payments - resolved

We had an issue with our Bitcoin payment gateway due to the default source of exchange rates stopped providing the rates. Now the issue is resolved and BTC / LTC payments are back.

YH Administration

14th Yan 2020
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