1. New Registration
Now when you place an order for domain registration, our team will decide which registrar will be the most secure for your needs and register your domain with the respective registry. You can also contact our support team and tell which project you are going to run and this will help us to pick the right registrar for you. But rest assured, new registrars we work with, are all up to our highest security and privacy standards. This is absolutely new way in anonymous domain registrations aimed to guarantee your privacy and domain safity. We about 10 years of experience in privacy and offshore products and not many people can give you the advice we can.
2. Exisitng registrations
We are transferring domains currently holded by Webnic to our new registrars. We have sent respective emails to all domain owners. If you did not receive it, please, contact us. There will be a renewal fee assoiciated with the transfer as domains will be renewed during the transfer.
We believe that everything in our life changes including the way fo doing business. And it's ok, it's interesting. The most important is that you should come up with the changes. At yohost we strive not only to come up, but also to be proactive, to ensure that all problems solved before they reach you, our customers.
When we say we guarantee your privacy, these are not just words.
Понедельник, Январь 12, 2015